The English language is viewed as the ticket to future economic progress and as an expansion of international understanding.
A slab of mucous membrane enclosing a complex array of muscles and nerves
The upper surface of the tongue has an array of papillae (puh PIL lee), or tiny projections, some of which contain taste buds. Also, arranged among the taste buds are taste cells, which actually receive the sensations of taste.
On the underside of the tongue is a tiny cord, the frenulum, and if it is too short, it holds back normal movements which is known as being "tongue-tied". People with this problem once went through their lives with garbled speech; however, today, this defect can be corrected with surgery.
The tongue is an organ that gives people a great deal of service but too often it is held in low esteem. Normally, people pay less attention to the tongue than they do to their hair or fingernails which are not nearly as important to their well-being.
Despite such neglect, the tongue usually continues to tirelessly function as it tastes and talks throughout our lives.
Anesthesia, Part 2 of 3.